Tuesday, 24 February 2015


                                                           The differential receives the drive from the shaft called propeller shaft.It has the following puposses
*It receives the drive from shaft and then send to axle then the wheels,that means means perpendicular rotation to parellel rotation.
*It rotates the two road wheels in the same speed in the straight roads.
*It rotates the wheels in different speeds when occurs a curve

                   A differential system consist of a crown wheel
,spacerblock,sun gears and star gears.Son gears receives drive from propeller shaft,the two sun & star gears are connected in square shape respectively.This whole system connected and also rotates with the crownwheel.A spacer block is provided between the bevelgears(sun&star)to maintain the stability and their formation.When the curves occures one wheel have to rotate less and the other one needs more.In these situations the sun&star gears make these difference in the axles.

working principle of differentilal-video(direct link):-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIGvhvOhLHU


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